
Getting Started

HTTP & WebSocket Server

CraftOS-PC adds support for running HTTP and WebSocket listeners on a port. Once a listener is added, an event will be queued each time a request is made to the server.

Simple interface

The http.listen(port, callback) function allows listening on a port synchronously without requiring an extra event loop. It takes the port to listen on and a callback as arguments. When a request is made, the callback is called with two tables: a request input handle, and a response output handle. These handles function similar to read and write file handles, with the following extra methods available:

  • request.getURL(): Returns the URI endpoint of the request
  • request.getMethod(): Returns the HTTP method of the request
  • request.getRequestHeaders(): Returns a table of headers sent by the client
  • response.setStatusCode(code): Sets the HTTP response code to send
  • response.setResponseHeader(key, value): Sets a header key/value to send

The response will not be sent until response.close() is called, so make sure to always call it before returning from the callback. To stop the listener, return true from the callback function or queue a server_stop event. The listener will automatically be closed and http.listen will return.


  • nil http.listen(number port, function callback): Starts a server on a port and calls a function when a request is made.
    • port: The port to listen on
    • callback(table req, table res): The callback to call
      • req: A read file handle to the request data, with the following extra functions:
        • getURL(): Returns the URI endpoint of the request
        • getMethod(): Returns the HTTP method of the request
        • getRequestHeaders(): Returns a table of headers sent by the client
      • res: A write file handle to the response data, with the following extra functions:
        • setStatusCode(number code): Sets the HTTP response code to send
        • setResponseHeader(string key, string value): Sets a header value to send
      • ALWAYS call res.close() before returning from the callback


  • http_request: Sent when an HTTP request is made.
    • number: The port the request was made on
    • table: The request table
    • table: The response table
  • server_stop: Send this inside an http.listen() callback to stop the server

Adding & removing listeners

The http.addListener(port) function activates a listener on the specified port. Once the listener is added, a background thread will listen for HTTP requests on the port. When a request is made, the server will queue an event named http_request with the port number, a request handle, and a response handle. Listeners can be removed with http.removeListener(port), which will stop the server thread and requests will no longer be serviced.


  • nil http.addListener(number port): Adds a listener on a port.
    • port: The port to listen on
  • nil http.removeListener(number port): Frees a port to be listened on again later.
    • port: The port to stop listening on

WebSocket servers

In addition to normal HTTP servers, CraftOS-PC can also serve WebSocket connections. To do this, call http.websocketServer with the port you want to listen on. This will return a new handle for the server. Use the .listen() method on it to wait for a new connection, and once connected, a handle will be returned with the same methods as a normal WebSocket handle. Multiple clients can connect to the server, and .listen() can be called multiple times to get each client. Call .close() on the server handle to close the server.

Client handles for a WebSocket server use a different set of events, prefixed with websocket_server_ instead of websocket_. Instead of using the URL to identify each client, a client ID field is used. This is an opaque value that's given in the handle's .clientID field. Use this value if you need to listen to WebSocket events directly.


  • table|nil, string http.websocketServer(number port): Starts a WebSocket server on the specified port.
    • port: The port to listen on.
    • Returns: A WebSocket server handle, with listen() and close() methods.


  • websocket_server_connect: Sent when a WebSocket client connects to a server.
    • number port: The port that was connected to
    • table handle: A WebSocket handle for the connection, with a clientID member
  • websocket_server_message: Sent when a client sends a message to a server.
    • userdata clientID: The client ID that sent the message
    • string message: The message contents
    • boolean binary: Whether the message is a binary message
  • websocket_server_closed: Sent when a client closes a connection.
    • userdata clientID: The client ID that closed
    • string|nil message: An optional message for why the connection was closed
    • number|nil code: An optional code for why the connection was closed